Last week was such a nice, but bussy week filled with fun things. Going out with friends from school, drinking coffee with a friend from the Netherlands and a houseparty at our place. I took a buch of pictures that I’m sharing with you today.
Mondays are for touristy trips, I would say. For the third monday in a row, I went into the city with some people from school. This time we’ve visited Village Royale because we wanted to see the umberella’s, we’ve visited the parfume museum and took pictures at rue de cremieux.
Unfortunately this day was a lot more boring than the day before and I had to go to school for French class. Luckily it was a sunny day, so it made me a happy girl.
A day with a two hour morning class and four hours in the afternoon with a huge break in the middle. I went home to have lunch and after I got a coffee with a friend from the Netherlands who was in Paris for a concert.
I did a guided bike tour through Paris with two friends from school. On Wednesday you can read a longer article about this amazing day.
Unfortunately a long schoolday of six hours, including two hours of testing. Good thing, our one hour lunch break and the fact that it was a sunny day. Therefore Olivia and I had lunch in Jardin des Luxembourg to enjoy the sun.
Saturday night my boyfriend and I organized a party at our place. It was a really fun night and I really enjoyed having everybody over at our place.
A well needed lazy day! We’ve slept in, ate the left over snacks from the party (including the cheesecake) and we went to Boulanger to buy a birthday present for my boyfriend. I also spoiled myself by buying a fitbit, that I will test the upcoming weeks. Soon you can expect a review on my blog.